David K. Storrs

President & Chief Executive Officer, Alternative Investment Group


David K. Storrs is President, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder of Alternative Investment Group.  He was formerly Trustee, Executive Vice President, and President of Commonfund, a multi-billion, investment management organization serving endowments, foundations, and other non-profit institutions and led the formation of its alternative investment programs, including hedge funds, from 1982 to 1996.  Prior to this, Mr. Storrs was Vice President with responsibility for international consulting at Rogers, Casey & Barksdale and RCB Trust Company from 1984 to 1986.  He was a senior financial officer and the first Director of Investments at Yale University, from 1971 to 1984, where he restructured the endowment by introducing alternative asset classes.


Mr. Storrs was a Trustee and a member of the Finance Committee of TIAA-CREF (1994-2002) and a Director and member of the Finance Committee of the Alliance Capital money market funds (1988-2005).  He is Chairman of the Greenwich Roundtable External Affairs Committee.


Mr. Storrs holds an A.B. from Yale University as well as an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.