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Japan's policy revolution
Japan's policy revolution

Stephen King, Group Chief Economist, discusses how Abenomics could lead to further global financial instability.

The rise of the redback II
The rise of the redback II

Chief Economist for Greater China Qu Hongbin provides an updated guide to the internationalisation of the renminbi.

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  • Global Economics Quarterly

    Global Economics Quarterly  

    Stephen King explains the shift of central banks' focus from the pursuit of price stability to employment, inflation and growth objectives.

  • IFR and IFR Asia Awards 2012

    IFR and IFR Asia Awards 2012  

    HSBC presided over a record year when bond issuance levels redefined Asia's capital markets.

  • London as centre for RMB

    London as centre for RMB  

    HSBC is playing a key role in promoting London as a centre for renminbi business.

FX cross rates

Get indicative pricing on the foreign exchange cross rates of 18 world currencies