Man Investments / FRM
Man Group is a global, independent asset manager dedicated to alternative and long-only investing. It has expertise in a wide range of liquid investment styles including managed futures, equity, credit and convertibles, emerging markets, global macro and multi-manager. Man’s investment managers include AHL, specializing in quantitative managed futures strategies, GLG, a multi-asset class alternative and long-only manager, and FRM, a hedge fund solutions and multi-manager investment specialist. Man is headquartered in London and manages $57 billion (as of December 31, 2012) for institutional and private clients through global investment teams located in major financial centers worldwide. Further information can be found at
FRM is a global alternatives asset manager building hedge fund solutions for institutional investors. Clients can outsource their hedge fund programs to FRM through commingled or customized portfolios, or can access specific parts of FRM’s extensive resources to assist with direct investing. FRM’s performance-driven managed accounts platform, refined over 15 years, is a core component of the product offering, providing access, transparency and risk control in managers FRM identifies as best of breed. FRM is a division of Man Group and as of December 2012 had approximately $16 billion in client assets.