Metacapital Management, L.P.


Metacapital Management, L.P. ("Metacapital") is an SEC-registered absolute return manager specializing in MBS and structured credit. Based in New York City, the Metacapital team has over 20 years of experience in analyzing prepayment and default risk.


The firm was founded in 2001 by Deepak Narula, former Senior Trader and Institutional Investor ranked Mortgage Strategy Head at Lehman Brothers. Metacapital manages approximately $2.1 billion in strategies focused on opportunities within the broad spectrum of the US Mortgage Market, including the Agency MBS, Non-Agency RMBS, CMBS and Relative Value sectors. Metacapital's flagship strategy has produced annualized returns in excess of 20% since its 2002 launch. The combined resources of the team are devoted to the daily management of the firm's investments and risk processes.


The firm focuses on Relative Value as part of its flagship Mortgage Opportunities Strategy, Structured Credit as the main focus of its Mortgage Value Strategies and directional trading within its Rising Rates Strategy.


Metacapital's strategies have frequently been ranked highly by Bloomberg Markets, Barron's, BarclaysHedge and HedgeFund Intelligence's Absolute Return Awards.



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